NBA Accreditation Education Institute Case Study – Software Development

NBA Accreditation Education Institute Case Study – Software Development

Central, State, Private, Deemed-to-be and, Autonomous University Institutions receiving the NBA accreditation at graduate and post-graduate level show positive reflection on the institution’s capability and ability to deliver quality academic, non-academic and, research-oriented education alongside proper organizational and scholastic infrastructure.

Undoubtedly having the NBA certification establishes a brand and enhances the public opinion and perception of the institution. Students graduating from the accredited colleges/ universities departments tend to receive a good quality of education and far more job employment opportunities from campus placements. This is due to that fact that the current business companies prefer to visit the campuses with demonstrated accreditations. Moreover, the institutions with the accreditation tend to receive government funding for researches, participate in foreign-exchange programs, see an increase in admission numbers, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Need/ Challenges

  • Submitting essential information and documents in advance relating to the Outcome Based Education for each program, course, and the subject is mandatory before initiating the course
  • The outcome at the course for each subject is termed as Course Outcome - CO1, CO2, CO3,...COn and each of these Course outcomes is mapped to the Program Outcomes- PO1, PO2,PO3,....PO12
  • Representing the outcome mappings as CO-PO Matrix
  • Evaluating the CO-PO related attainment using various Direct and Indirect techniques
  • Utilizing a Software application for evaluation needs to provide a provision for defining the CO's, PO's, CO-PO matrix, CO-PO attainment and Evaluation
  • Employing an intelligence software to record the Course Outcomes, Program Outcomes and assessments
  • Understanding the CO-PO attainment using Direct and Indirect methods:
  1. Direct Method: Marks attained by studnet at Internals, Assignments, External - semester end examinations, Lab/Experiments.
  2. Indirect Method: Expert Feedback, Employer Feedback, Parents Feedback.
  • Including the Internal and the External Marks to calculate the CO-PO attainment
  • Including the Indirect Survey for CO-PO attainment
  • Evaluating the results based on the Direct and Indirect weightage

Our Solution

EduSys is a Web and Cloud-based ERP Software application that streamlines NBA Accreditation process for the college and university institutions by automating the management and administrative operations such as MIS & Self-assessment reports and Outcome-based Education, which are essential for the accreditation. The Software helps to elevate the institution’s procedures and performance whilst putting the institution ahead in the challenges thereby emphasizing on quality education.


  • Promotes Outcome-based education system
  • Streamlines administrative and management tasks
  • Strengthens customer relations
  • Provides simple and robust payment methods
  • High security and reliability
  • Better student and staff management techniques
  • Simple exam management system: Automatic Hall ticket generation, Exam hall/center allocation, etc.
  • Auto-grading and evaluation
  • Automated report/ progress card generation
  • Enhances intra and inter-Institutional interactions

And Many More.


EduSys greatly helped many institutions, and continues to help others, by digitizing and automating systematic administrative procedures and operation involved in the NBA Accreditation.

  27 Apr 2019
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