Nursery Staff Record Management

Staff Record Management Module

Use Edusys staff management module for your child care to organize staff information and print staff forms and reports. Track important staff records at your fingertips including staff schedules and hours.

Keep all the staff records at your fingertips from staff registration to obtaining payroll. Edusys tracks personal & family details, qualification, experience, behaviour, achievements, review, rating, vacation time, sick time, training/ activity details, salary and more… Staff reports and forms are easy to print and/or generate. These are available for one, several or all staff. It’s effortless!

Estimate current payroll costs based on hours worked and generate payslip quickly. So our Edusys provides an intuitive solution that helps you to streamline your payroll process and manage it efficiently without any additional investment.

  1. Access rights to create role-based privileges
  2. Easy payroll processing with a formula builder
  3. Bulk import of all employee-related data in a single click
  4. Customize earnings and deductions for individual or staff group quickly
  5. Get reports on your smart phone (who is checked in, emergency contacts, etc.)

Staff can see his entire activity at the institution which is very well grouped and separated into various screens and can anytime send a request to admin for any changes.

Nursery Staff Record Management
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